Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Let's Reflect

In the past I have been an early adopter of technology, often to a fault. I have tried to implement blogs within learning management systems (BlackBoard/Angel) and been less than pleased with the results. We have even used essay style questions to track weekly reflections that are so important to the learning process.

A blog is not a new thing, but it is something that has matured over time. The user interface (UI) is now easier (or maybe we've just learned more...) to navigate and even second graders are using them now. http://jarrodsblog.global2.vic.edu.au/

To "reflect" on learning means to re-visit the learning; allow time for it to ferment, kick it around. An important part of this reflection is to write it down. This is one of the things your blog is for.

Pictures...you know the old saw, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Well, believe it. In fact, I'm going to insist that you insert pictures, drawings, videos or other things,
into your blog posts.

More to come!


  1. do my employers still need to sign the paper log? and how often do we need to post on here?

    1. No on the employers signature. One a week at least on the blog entries.

  2. Good question Keith.

    I need a signed copy of the back of this form


    At the very least; I'd like to see a weekly summary of your week. 10 week class = 10 posts MINIMUM. Most, that are started are posting a little every day, your time will be easier to track and I think it is a better log of your daily learning.

    You will be making your own blog, not posting to mine...see some of the others' blogs that are linked on the top right of this page.

    I hope this helps.
